Targets: Audio, Automotive, Communication & Wired, Computers & Peripherals, Consumer, Digital Power, General Purpose, Imaging & Video, Industrial, Medical, Military & Aerospace, Mobile & Wireless, Motor Control, Security, Test & Measurement
PSoC devices employ a configurable system-on-chip architecture for embedded control design, offering a flash-based equivalent of a field-programmable ASIC without lead-time or NRE penalties. PSoC devices integrate configurable analog and digital circuits, controlled by an on-chip microcontroller, providing both enhanced design revision capability and component count savings.
The newly introduced PSoC 3 architecture is based on an 8-bit 8051 processor, and the PSoC 5 architecture includes a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 processor. The two new architectures feature high-precision integrated analog with 20-bit resolution and a PLD-based digital system with up to 48 cascading datapaths. The PSoC 3 and PSoC 5 design platforms enable simplified migration from 8- to 16- to 32-bits with the newly released PSoC Creator design software. PSoC Creator introduces a concurrent hardware/software design paradigm, accepting both schematic and hierarchical input.
The original PSoC 1 architecture is based on a cost-optimized M8C 8-bit microprocessor and includes up to 32-kbytes of Flash memory, 2-kbytes of SRAM, an 8x8 multiplier with 32-bit accumulator, power and sleep monitoring circuits, and hardware I²C communications.
The flexible PSoC resources allow designers to make firmware-based changes during design, validation, production, and in the field. All PSoC devices are also dynamically reconfigurable, enabling designers to morph internal resources on-the-fly, utilizing fewer components to perform a given task.
The PSoC Creator development tool provides a library of dozens of pre-configured analog and digital peripherals that can be dropped into the schematic design canvas and combined into powerful systems. The tool automatically routes all on-chip signals and can even direct I/O to the optimum pins if desired. A single PSoC device can integrate as many as 100 peripheral functions. Developers can save as much as $10 in system costs. Cypress offers free online PSoC training.
The PSoC-based CapSense capacitive sensing function offers single-chip integration of multiple buttons, sliders, touchpads, and proximity detectors, requiring no external components for sensing. The PSoC-based TrueTouch touchscreen solution interprets up to 10 inputs from all areas of the screen simultaneously. TrueTouch devices support projected capacitive touchscreens, which offer better optical clarity and are more durable and reliable than touchscreens based on resistive technology.
The PowerPSoC family of integrated embedded power controllers is a single-chip solution for both controlling and driving high-power LEDs. The PowerPSoC family integrates four constant-current regulators and four 32V MOSFETs with a PSoC.