I remember when I first learned about this thing called endianess as it pertains to ordering higher and lower order bits for data that consumes more than a single byte of data. The two most common ordering schemes were big and little endian. Big endian stored the most significant bytes ahead of the least significant bytes; little endian stored data in the opposite order with the least significant bytes ahead of the most significant bytes. The times when I was most aware of endianess was when we were defining data communication streams (telemetry data in my case) that transferred data from one system to another that did not use the same type of processors. The other context where knowing endianess mattered was when the program needed to perform bitwise operations on data structures (usually for execution efficiency purposes).
If what I hear from semiconductor and software development tool providers is correct, only a very small minority of developers deal with assembly language anymore. Additionally, I suspect that most designers are not involved in driver development anymore either. With the abstractions that compiled languages and standard drivers offer, does endianess affect how software developers write their code? In other words, are you working with datatypes that abstract how the data is stored and used, or are you implementing functions in such a way that require you to know how your data is internally implemented? Have software development tools successfully abstracted this concept away from most developers?