Innovasic Semiconductor

Innovasic Semiconductor


Targets: Industrial, Medical, Motor Control, Test & Measurement

Innovasic Semiconductor IA186EB Block Diagram

The IA186EM and IA188EM are pin-for-pin compatible with the AMD Am186EM and Am188EM devices. They are based on the 16-bit 186 architecture, have a synchronous serial port, asynchronous serial port, a DRAM controller, and 32 Programmable I/O pins. The Hitex development tools support software development.

The IA186ES and IA188ES are pin-for-pin compatible with the AMD Am186ES and Am188ES devices. They are based on the 16-bit 186 architecture, have two asynchronous serial ports, a DRAM controller, pulse width demodulator, and 32 Programmable I/O pins. The Hitex development tools support software development.

The IA186EB and IA188EB are pin-for-pin compatible with the Intel 80C186EB and 80C188EB devices. They are based on the 16-bit 186 architecture, have a synchronous serial port, asynchronous serial port, enhanced chip select unit, and two multiplexed I/O ports. The Hitex development tools support software development.

Innovasic Semiconductor IA186XL Block Diagram

The IA186XL and IA188XL are pin-for-pin compatible with the Intel 80C186XL and 80C188XL devices. They are based on the 16-bit 186 architecture, and are object code compatible with 8086/8088 software. The Hitex development tools support software development.