


Targets: Consumer, Industrial, Security, Other

Zilog ZMOTION Block Diagram

Zilog's ZMOTION Detection and Control Product Family combine a series of high-performance microcontrollers with a selection of lenses and PIR (Passive Infrared) sensors to fit a wide range of application requirements. The ZMOTION microcontroller features built-in software based motion detection algorithms with optimized configuration parameters for each lens/sensor combination. It also combines the programmability and rich peripheral set of the Flash based Z8F042A Encore! XP microcontroller with built-in software based motion detection algorithms.

The pyroelectric sensor directly interfaces to the microcontroller eliminating the need for external op-amps, electrolytic capacitors, and other components used in traditional designs. The new statistical processing algorithms, provided by the ePIR motion detection engine, also eliminate the need for a discrete temperature compensation circuit. This all leads to a simpler and smaller circuit design, providing better reliability, sensitivity, and stability.

Three microcontroller options provide developers with the flexibility to optimize for size and functionality: Flash memory up to 4-kbytes; 5, 16, or 22 GP I/O; 3, 4, or 6 ADC channels; as well as 8 pin SOIC, 20 pin SSOP, or 28 pin SSOP options. Developers can also choose from three PIR sensors available depending on application requirements. There is the Basic Dual Element, Premium Dual Element, and Quad Element. Not all sensors are suitable for all lenses.

The selection of lenses spans 360 degree ceiling, 180 degree wall mount, 15 meter long range, and 5 meter short range. ZMOTION has 4-kbytes of Flash for application code, and supports designs requiring 1 or 2 PIR sensors. It also boasts Hypersense Mode for lighting applications and High Resolution Sigma Delta ADC with up to 6 channels single-ended or 3 channels differential. API provides full control and status of motion detection engine.

The Internal Precision Oscillator runs at 5.53 MHz, and the External Oscillator operates up to 20 MHz. With the Single Pin Debug, developers have access to unlimited breakpoints, and the On-chip Analog Comparator has independent programmable reference voltage. There are two 16-bit timers with input capture, output compare, and PWM capability (11 modes total), as well as a WDT (Watchdog Timer) with a dedicated internal oscillator. The operating voltage of 2.7 to 3.6V supplies an extended operating temperature range of -400 to +1050 C. ZMOTION allows for sensitivity control, range control, and directionality detection.